How an osteopath can help you move better

Meet Tully McDonald, a new MHQ Mover who joins the allied health team at Brellah Medical, just up the stairs, on 12 April as an Osteopath.

If you’re feeling any pain or prolonged stiffness, you may find he’ll come in handy. Here’s how he can help.

What do osteopaths treat?

Alot! You name it – anything from short term pain to chronic conditions relating to the muscles, bones and joints:

  • Low back pain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Disc injuries (e.g. herniations & bulges)
  • Chronic pain
  • Sciatica
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Postural tension or tightness (e.g. desk workers)
  • TMJ / Jaw pain (e.g. lock jaw & clicking  discomfort)
  • Hip and knee pain (e.g. trochanteric bursitis)
  • Foot and ankle pain (e.g. Plantar fasciitis)
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  • Muscle strains and tendon issues (tendinopathies & tendonitis)
  • Sports injuries (e.g. ankle sprains, ACL tears, meniscus tears)
  • Pregnancy related pain and discomfort
  • Arthritis (osteoarthritis & rheumatoid).


What’s the difference between a chiropractor, physio and osteopath?

The main difference between the three is the focus of their treatment.

Osteopaths look at the body as a whole, considering how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue, and internal organs all work together.

Chiropractors mainly focus on spinal function and correcting any problems in this area in order to help improve the overall functioning of the body.

An osteopath and a physiotherapist have the same goals: To improve your overall health and well-being. However, their approaches are quite different.

While an osteopath will use manual techniques to realign the body’s structure, a physiotherapist will focus mainly on physical activity and exercise.

Osteos strongly embrace making activity and exercise a part of your recovery.

What Tully enjoys about being an osteopath

“I thoroughly enjoy helping people return to what is important to them. Whether that’s being able to go for a long beach walk, squatting at the gym without pain or returning to sport.

I have a passion for working with patients collaboratively, treating the source of pain not just alleviating symptoms. This ensures my patients are able to return to their desired activities without pain and the recurrence of the same injury.

I treat a variety of clients ranging in age and areas of pain.  I have a vested interest in working with clients who also love utilising and learning about a holistic approach to health care and exercise rehabilitation.”

More about Tully

“I grew up in Lennox Head, surfing in comfortable temperate ocean water and relocated to Sydney from Noosa Heads after living there for four years. I am more happy to be on the Northen Beaches of Sydney, where I can surf until my heart is content.

I first encountered Osteopathy after a chronic knee injury playing football as a teenager and was immediately drawn by the broad and holistic approach taken to help treat my condition.

Learning that the pain in my knee was coming from chronic postural, back and pelvic issues sparked a keen interest for me to learn about anatomy, the complexity of the human body and a determination to empower others stuck in similar situations.

Besides surfing, I love to train at the gym. Whether that is utilising functional patterning, movement strength, traditional weight training and even yoga.

I also love what Movement HQ stands for in terms of movement quality, diversity of training styles, and awesome community of members and coaches who I’ve had the pleasure to start training with. I know that we are a great fit for each other.


Email [email protected] or book here.

Yoga – why you need it

Yoga is a series of stretches and poses that you incorporate with special breathing techniques.

It originated in India around 5,000 years ago, and was developed as a discipline to unite the body with the mind.

When you take a look at Movement HQ coach Mimi Barnes, clearly yoga is working for her.

Mimi radiates a sense of inner strength, confidence and serenity.

She’s been doing it for years and decided to become a professional yoga teacher after a ski accident had her turning to Japanese yoga for ACL recovery.

We asked Mimi to tell us why everyone needs to do yoga …

“It is no exaggeration to say it will benefit every aspect of your life!

It is the most efficient and convenient way to improve your overall livelihood. Both your mental and physical health are improved with this one practice of movement and mindfulness.

Practicing yoga builds resilience for everyday life, aids in overcoming adversity and discomfort, trains your body to overcome limitations, and stimulates your brain to foster neuroplasticity at any age.

There is a balance of effort and rest in yoga that we all need.

We can’t function if we are always on the go and we can’t be excessively immobile.

We need movement to stay healthy and active. Yoga can help the body feel healthy by being light, and helping your muscles feel both soft and strong.

And in this way you find balance in one place: within you.

Living, moving and breathing are easier when you incorporate yoga into your lifestyle.”

In addition to mindfulness and strength, yoga can also help alleviate ailments and illnesses including muscle tension, joint pain, back pain, skeletal and structural imbalances, high blood pressure, organ function and respiratory health.

It can also help reduce stress, sleep problems, depression, anxiety and nervous system issues, whilst boosting immune system efficacy, mental acuity, enhanced senses and feelings of connectedness with the self and the world.

Try this short home sequence for yourself – it will perk you up and bring you into the present moment:

Whether you’re already a committed yogi, or you just do it occasionally or never – and need some inner peace or to improve your flexibility – remember these words of wisdom from Alan Finger, as shared by Mimi:

“Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years.”




Mimi runs yoga, meditation and breathing classes at Movement HQ several times per week.

Jump into one of her classes to experience her passion for the practice and the magic it delivers to your body and mind.


Training and safety guidelines

During these uncertain and unusual times, we are pleased to remain fully operational, and are offering all our services so you stay in the best of fitness and health. In doing that we are fully committed to keeping you and our staff COVID-19 safe.

🛑  We ask that anyone with a positive Covid-19 diagnosis (by RAT or PCR) – or if you are considered a close contact –  or are awaiting results – please do not come to the gym. When in doubt please follow the guidelines set out by NSW Health.

And to ensure your convenience, safety and comfort please:

✔️ Bring a towel to all classes and use the sanitiser wipes to wipe down equipment after you’ve used it

✔️ Yogis bring your own mat to class – and in Reformer classes please wear grip socks

✔️ If you booked in for a class and can’t make it, please early cancel in the app no less than 2 hours before class starts. This enables other people to book in if the class is full.  Please be aware in the event of a no show or late cancellation a fee of $15 may be charged.

Thanks for your co-operation and we wish you happy and safe training at Movement HQ 🙂

Mark’s Kitchen – Chicken Hotpot

A super easy, lean and light chicken dish and perfect post-workout protein meal by Mark Glanville.


Recipe for two (Mark’s a big eater!). 

1. Lightly season six chicken drumsticks skin on or off with salt

2. Brown drumsticks in olive oil in oven dish/French oven turning occasionally

3. In the meantime thinly slice two carrots, cut one brown onion into thin wedges, and slice two cloves of garlic

4. Once browned, remove chicken and place aside, add other ingredients to stockpot with olive oil, and simmer on a gentle heat until onions are translucent

5. Add one heaped teaspoon of cumin and one smoked paprika and cook until fragrant (1-2 minutes)

6. Add chicken to pot, along with one cup chicken stock, two tablespoons caramelised balsamic vinegar and bring to a simmer.

7. Cover with lid and place in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 20-25 minutes.

Serve with Basmati or brown rice and steamed greens, sautéed kale.


Prefer a vegetarian option?

Substitute the chicken with tofu, mushroom or Borlotti beans.


Mark Glanville is a co-founder & manager of Movement HQ Fitness Centre in Frenchs Forest Sydney and has been a Personal Trainer and group fitness coach since 2001. Before that, he worked in London, Scotland and Sydney as a high-end chef.


How to enhance your workout performance

What’s the most effective way to get results fast and effectively? This question comes up frequently with new clients joining our fitness centre. Have a solid plan and seek guidance from a professional for that clinical edge. And follow these tips to enhance your workout performance. The last thing we want is to waste time on training formats and exercises that aren’t right for you.


enhance your workout performance


This is striking the right balance between strength and cardio exercise.

Incorporating both will prevent you from getting bored with your workouts. It’s also important for your overall fitness and strength.

Strength training increases muscle size and strength, and enhances coordination of your muscles and joints. It also improves joint and tissue integrity and movement quality.

Cardio exercise enhances your oxygen consumption, cardiac function and endurance, increasing heart health and efficiency.

When you combine both, this is where the magic happens. You can minimise injury risk and see massive improvement in your overall physical performance and wellbeing.

So if you play any kind of sport, or swim, run etc, strength training will make you a stronger and more powerful athlete.

The combined results of strength, power, speed, endurance, agility and balance from cross training will carry through to a happier, healthier and more productive life.

Just remember – alternate between training styles and muscle groups so your body has a good chance to recover.

Mix your classes and keep it interesting: Animal FlowBodyweight. HandstandHIITKettlebellMish Mash and Smash. Movement Strength. Rings and Stall Bars.

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Stretch and mobilise

When we’re pushing and pulling our weight around at the gym, hitting a tennis ball or running, it’s important our joints move freely. Ideally safely within their full range of motion.

That stiffness we can get from regular exercise or sitting a lot can restrict joint mobility under load or exertion. This results in sub-optimal training, increasing the risk of injury. This will not help to enhance your workout performance. Good mobility is an integral part of healthy movement and fully-functioning mechanics.

If you haven’t tried our Pilates, Yoga or Functional Mobility classes, give them a go.

Mobility training helps you focus on postural alignment and muscle activation, translating to better movement patterns in the gym and life in general. Yoga or stretching can increase your flexibility, and reduce stiffness from your workouts, increasing blood flow, hydration and tissue integrity.

Take your pick from different ways to mobilise: Barre. Functional Mobility. Fusion Yoga. Reformer Pilates. Mat Pilates. Vinyasa Yoga. Yin Yoga.

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Rest and recover

This is just as important as the physical component of the training process.

Repeated stress from exercise creates micro-tears in your muscles, making them sore and inflamed.

Muscles need to recover during sleep or on your rest days. Without the opportunity to regenerate you’ll see a drop in performance gains and training capacity and a potential increase of injury.

Generally, allow 48 hours rest between strength sessions for the muscle groups worked to allow them to adapt and build effectively.

The simple message is don’t overtrain and schedule rest days. You’ve worked for it so there’s no need to feel any guilt about that.

Relax and chill with us at our Meditation and Yin classes.

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You are what you eat (and drink)

We all know the benefits a balanced diet of fresh food can bring. And it will go a long way to enhance your workout performance.

And when you exercise you particularly need quality carbs for energy – brown and grainy bread, pasta, rice, cereals, lean protein for muscle recovery – eggs, fish, lean meat, quality protein powder, healthy fats – nuts, olive oil, avocados and fluids – the water variety (2-3 L/day) as opposed to alcohol, tea and coffee.

Just remember – 80% of our body composition is what we eat – and in the gym, you’re burning calories and sculpting muscles.

Fresh is best (nothing out of a box or packet) and processed sugars are out. Check out Mark’s Chicken Hotpot recipe for a perfectly lean, fresh post-workout meal.

Have a chat with our nutritionist or dieticians about your eating or weight loss plan.

Read more about our Diet & Nutrition services here