x MovementHQ

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movement strength

get stronger, build muscle, increase power

strength training

HIGH-QUALITY, safe and time-efficient gym classes

Our Movement Strength classes are designed to take your strength training to the next level without the hassle of planning your workouts or getting lost in a gym crowd.

Our experienced Personal Trainers will guide you through expertly crafted, full-body strength workouts tailored to your needs.

Our 8-week programs are perfect for all ages and strength levels, allowing you to track your progress and measure successes along the way.

The exercises in our strength programs are targeted and proven to optimise your training, focusing on both larger muscles and smaller, deeper stabiliser muscles. This approach ensures you get a comprehensive and effective workout every time.

By incorporating these targeted exercises, you'll not only build visible muscle strength but also enhance your overall stability and functional fitness.

This balanced approach helps you achieve a stronger, more resilient body capable of performing a wide range of movements with ease.

With a maximum of 12 people per class, you'll enjoy personalised strength training at a gym-class price, whilst enjoying the energy and motivation you get from group fitness.


Your membership includes 70 weekly calisthenics, REFORMER PILATES & conditioning classes

Choice of over 12 movement strength classes per week

instructors with extensive strength training experience to move you safely

SMALL GROUP SESSIONS to help you achieve your best