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We’re Frenchs Forest’s premier fitness community, offering you highly experienced coaches who’ll drive you, a welcoming team of members who’ll motivate you, and a huge variety of classes to keep your exercise experience fun and effective.

Chia pudding | Movement HQ

MHQ Kitchen – Chia pudding

Mover story: Heather, the epitome of MHQ

Vietnamese style fresh spring rolls

MHQ Kitchen – Vietnamese style fresh spring rolls

Mark’s top 3 absolute favourite exercises

Family chicken pot pie

MHQ Kitchen – Family chicken pot pie

Why Reformer Pilates should be the core of your exercise routine (and is more affordable than you think)

Sweet potato, chilli and salmon fish cakes

MHQ Kitchen – Sweet potato, chilli and salmon fish cakes

Why Movement HQ

Mover story: Daragh, from nomad to part of the family

Prime Movers

5 exercise considerations for older adults

Dan’s Top 3 Calisthenics Exercises for Everyone

Movement HQ Kitchen

MHQ Kitchen – “Eat your veg” muffins

Mover story: Nola, an amazing 12 month transformation