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We’re Frenchs Forest’s premier fitness community, offering you highly experienced coaches who’ll drive you, a welcoming team of members who’ll motivate you, and a huge variety of classes to keep your exercise experience fun and effective.

Every day, right here on our gym floor, we observe wins and successes as our members stick to their training, try new things and reach new heights.

Whilst we are proud of every single member who trains at MHQ, here are our Movers of the Month who make us proud and pleased as punch that we do what we do.

December 2023 – Maria

From Mark Glanville: “Maria, I can not explain how long it took Maria to actually finally drag herself in to attend her first class after what seemed like months of answering questions online and trying my best to convince her just to ‘come on in and have a crack, I promise you’ll love us’.

Navigating inflammation throughout her body, fighting pain and discomfort on the journey to working out what actually worked best for her, and building on it … and here she is!

10kg lighter, doing movements she would never have tried or thought of ever achieving under our guidance, and giving everything it takes to be successful at reaching her goals and then some.

Congratulations Maria, we all can not wait to see what 2024 brings for you! Keep up the inspiring work.”

From Maria:

“My favourite class is the Rings and Stallbars class … I love that I have achieved the impossible from 6 months ago, with Sarah’s guidance and giving me the confidence to just give it a go.

I joined Movement HQ when I saw the Body Composition Program advertised … I knew I had to try it out. My body was in a bad state (spasming ribs). I had to do something to change.

The impact MHQ has had on my life is massive. I can now participate in all classes without worry, I have been able to challenge myself with different classes along the way, like Movement Strength – lifting weights with Renato’s guidance. Now I can hang on bars .. love it.

MHQ has changed my life for the better, I am only looking forward to what else I can achieve.

My biggest achievement since I started has been not giving up. Turning up to classes. Getting on the rings which I had always only admired from afar when I started – now I can do it!

Thank you to Sarah for helping me achieve my wish and giving me tips along the way to achieving my goals 💕😍”.


November 2023 – Houri

From Mark Glanville: Houri!! Haha! Her answers will tell you everything. All I can say is the first time I saw her was a Tuesday morning around 5:20am. She was walking toward me as I was plotting the Kettlebell class, she looked at me with a little bit of uncertainty in her eyes and I asked her name and if she was here for the Kettlebell class, she said ‘yes’ and I replied with a subconscious ‘WHOAA! 😂’

Then I quickly recovered and promised I would stay close and guide her through the class and BOOM….. here we are today watching this amazing woman absolutely kill any challenge put in front of her and I am just so proud to be able to claim to be an influence in her progress and how far she has come.

Congrats Houri, you’re an absolute champion!”

From Houri: 

“My favourite class? That’s a tough question, it’s so hard to choose!

I would have to say Kettlebell. This was the first class I ever did at MHQ having not exercised for months and months and I had no idea what I was in for. It was such a challenging class which needed a much higher level of fitness and technique than I had at the time, but Mark and the whole class were so supportive and encouraging and got me through it! I now look forward to this class each week and love seeing the progression I have made each time.

Kettlebell classes at MHQ are cardio without feeling like cardio which is exactly what I need in my life!

I chose MHQ because I saw the Body Composition Program advertised and thought it looked like a really balanced approach to getting fit and healthy again.I also loved the variety of classes available such as functional mobility, strength, pilates, yin yoga and more.

I have been a member of various ‘big’ gym chains for years and I found I basically donated money to them each month without stepping foot inside the gym. This gym is completely different, I look forward to getting up at 4:45am each morning to prepare for a 5:30am class. Something I never thought I’d ever do!

Everyone is so supportive, friendly and encouraging and the classes are so well designed. It has completely changed my lifestyle for the better.

Since starting in June this year, I’ve lost over 17 kilos (and counting) which is something I’m really proud of but isn’t my best achievement.
My best achievement is the healthy mindset and approach I now have towards exercise and nutrition. I’ve never been one to have exercise part of my routine or life and I think MHQ has definitely changed this for me.

I look forward to coming to each session (maybe other than conditioning) and I’m hopeful this will continue for a lifetime!”


July 2023 – Gina and Laura

From Mark Glanville: This mother and daughter duo, Gina and Laura have been MHQ members since we opened in November 2020.

Gina has been a bit of a work-horse since joining, so much that she trusted Mark’s guidance on training around quite a severe hamstring tear.

Rather than suspending her membership and sitting around waiting for it to heal, she continued with her training which is a testament to her trust in us, and also her desire to keep working hard.

As for Laura, a young girl at the start, somewhat a little precious at times 😂 she has turned from everything being too hard to having an absolute crack and pushing through what would have most probably broken her 2-1/2 years ago!

We are super proud of both of these awesome ladies, but Laura’s change is astonishing and we are proud to have helped her find herself and the grit to push through her comfort zone and better herself physically and mentally.

From Gina:

My favourite class is Pilates.

I chose MHQ because a friend of mine (Daphne) spoke about it and explained the ethos of the gym and it sounded like a good fit for me.

I think that it has impacted my life in many positive ways.

I am stronger (I can now do a number of pulls up in a row) which is good for me at my age. I have also met lots of wonderful people who are so positive and encouraging. The community is amazing.

My biggest achievement would be doing chin ups with a weight tied around my waist.

I really would never have thought I was that person who could do that.

From Laura:

My favorite class is Movement Strength I love weight training!

I chose Movement HQ because Daphne introduced my mum and I, and spoke so highly of it.

Honestly the whole mindset and values behind the gym are what has made me stay.

The trainers are all amazing and everyone is so encouraging. The gym can be an intimidating place but to be surrounded by such encouraging people is amazing. It really is a community gym.

I also love going to the gym with my mum. She’s such a role model for me and I’m constantly amazed at her strength and what she can do.

I think for me I just feel so much stronger and fitter. I have also gained confidence in myself and my body which I think is so important as a young woman. I’m so excited to continue my fitness journey at MHQ!


May 2023 – Emma

From Mark Glanville:  She’s one of the lads! Haha, loves Tuesday night Metal sessions with Sarah and I and the banter the boys bring to the blue floor!

I’m not sure Emzy has taken a day off since starting at MHQ 🤔 dabbling in almost every class possible sometimes at 5:30am and sometimes at 5:30pm, even rocking up for testing at 8am on a Sunday after a night out till 3am.

Em you are an absolute trooper, cheeky, fun and we just adore having you in our family. Rock on Emma and keep up the awesome work 🤘

From Emma:

It’s hard to pick just one favourite class as they are all great but right now it would have to be Handstands, it’s challenging but so much fun!

I was sold from the very first class I went to at Movement HQ. The coaches are so knowledgeable and welcoming.

The different types of classes offered and the encouragement from the coaches and every person who goes to MHQ is unlike any other gym I have been to.

It’s had such a great impact on my life, not just physically but mentally too. I had actually been following MHQ for around 12 months before finding the courage to try it out.

I feel like I have found a lot of confidence since coming here and am much more open to trying new things as a result.

My best achievement at MHQ has definitely been how consistent I have been, I never thought I’d be the sort of person that enjoyed going to the gym and now I attend 7+ classes a week and wouldn’t have it any other way!


April 2023 – David

From Mark Glanville: David, the smiling gentle giant. In his early days David popped in to reception wanting to cancel a class because he’d hurt his shoulder over the weekend so I dragged him onto the gym floor, applied a bit of trigger point release and some coaches some activation work and boom he was back in the class killing it.

Now it seems nothing can hold the big man back, squatting more than ever, hitting calisthenics skills he never would have thought he could achieve and all while being super friendly, extremely helpful and supportive to other members and just an absolute pleasure to have in the MHQ family!

Congrats big fella, well deserved! 👊🏼

From David: My favourite class is Bodyweight Strength.

I chose MHQ firstly because of location (I was working next door). I haven’t worked there for a while but I have stayed at MHQ because of the community of people and the quality of trainers. It is literally the first gym I have enjoyed going to.

The best achievement for me is actually enjoying a gym and staying at the same gym for longer than 6 months … that, and being able to do chin ups and dips.


October 2022 – Karren


From MHQ: Polite, punctual and super sweet Karren. What an absolute trooper, coming in to have a look around because she liked the look of what we had to offer and boy has she dabbled!

Karren’s a super member in that she has really adopted a wide range of classes and is doing everything from strength through to mobility, yoga and Reformer Pilates.

This is the kind of training approach that we try and promote with every member and she has made us very proud! Good on you Karren, keep up the fantastic work and we look forward to helping you achieve more little wins on the future 😃

From Karren: My favourite class is yin yoga. I love how it creates space in your body. I chose MHQ because it offers a great range of modalities in a beautiful modern studio. All the trainers are very knowledgeable, supportive of the level you are at, and always greet you with a smile.

Since starting at MHQ I have more energy, better posture and balance, move easily and it’s great to feel stronger.

I love working in my garden and I was finding it difficult to lift bags of potting mix and move pots. Not anymore.

My best achievement has been to step out of my exercise comfort zone ( yoga & Pilates) and start doing body weight and movement strength classes.

September 2022 – Nick

From MHQ: Nick, our softly spoken giant is the perfect example of ‘do the the work, the right work and things will improve’ Nick was open to our advice from day 1 and it has paid off significantly.

He’s gone from focusing purely on mobility and Bodyweight Strength to our Bodyweight skills classes, our Movement Strength, Yoga and Reformer Pilates classes.

Nick has hugely improved in strength (notably his chin-ups!), greater mobility and less pain which are all due to following a more global approach to his training.

This is exactly what we try to promote with all our MHQ members. Congrats Nicko, well deserved mate.

From Nick: My favourite class is Functional mobility, I always like the way I feel after this class, I feel like a lot of tension and stiffness gets released.

I did try a Yin Yoga class last week which was amazing and could be a strong contender for my favourite class. I also feel I’m getting a lot of benefit from the Reformer Pilates class.

I chose MHQ as the classes are smaller, well designed and adaptable from complete beginner to expert. I had a significant back injury in my early 20s which ended up with two surgeries to fuse my lower spine and since then I have been dealing with chronic back pain and sciatica.

I have tried multiple gyms and physio guided exercise and it was all quite repetitive and boring, meaning I often lost interest and let everything slide. 

After meeting with Mark and discussing my issues he recommended a program of which classes to attend and after the trial period I felt this was right for me. Having skills to work towards with many levels of progression helps keep it interesting with goals to aim for.

My favourite exercise is chin ups. I haven’t been able to do chin ups for a long time. After many months of training I just grabbed the bar one day and was able to do 5 chin ups in a row which was a big surprise for me.

It has been a big boost to my motivation as I can now see that if I keep turning up I will be able to push my body to do things I thought I would never be able to do. Since starting at MHQ my body in general feels stronger, more stable and my mood has improved. 

My base line pain levels are now lower and I have learnt techniques to relive the pain when I get flair ups. I have two young daughters and my pain was affecting my ability to play with them, now I’m getting close to keeping up with them and hopefully they will have to try and keep up with me.

I am also teaching them some of the exercises I do at MHQ to help them with their fitness development.