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Mover story: Nola, an amazing 12 month transformation

From Mark Glanville: 

“Nola loves a bit of a stir. Learning how we Aussies banter the hard way courtesy of Moi! 😂

Not much to say about Nola other than she is hitting every target and more purely through sheer commitment and receiving coaching very well. A well deserved Mover of the Month and a fantastic part of the community we’ve built here at MHQ. Congratulations Nolzee you nutter, we love you dearly!”

From Nola:

1. What is your favourite class?

That’s a hard one. I am at MHQ religiously Monday through Friday. I love how much stronger I’ve become lifting weights in Movement Strength and exploring my childhood gymnastic dreams in Bodyweight Strength.

I love anything on the rings; it’s so challenging working with the resistance of my own bodyweight. But if I were to pick a fave class, I would say Functional Movement on Fridays, as it allows me to really flex and stretch all muscle groups, fascia, and ligaments.

Those deep, hurt-so-good movements keep me limber and feel like a welcome release after the week of hard work I just put in doing everything else. So rewarding and satisfying!

2. What made you choose MHQ and how do you think this has impacted your life?

I will give credit where credit is due — hands down it was the MHQ Body Composition Program run by Coach Sarah Bartlett that led me to join MHQ in February 2023. The Covid pandemic along with middle age was a very unhealthy combo for me. The stress of lockdowns and restrictions along with fluctuations in my hormones really took their toll.

Before I knew it, I found myself overstressed, undernourished, overweight, and lethargic. Suffering from sore joints and poor sleep, I knew I needed a kickstart to get me back to wellness.

I was a bit apprehensive about joining a gym as it had been so long since I had worked out, but I had seen an ad promoting the inaugural 10-week Body Composition Program at Movement HQ. Since it wasn’t a prerequisite that I join the gym to take the Body Comp Program, I figured I had nothing to lose and decided to give it a go.

After Sarah’s first workshop, I was hooked and knew immediately this was precisely what I was looking for. She was a superstar, with such a wealth of information and knowledge to share regarding holistic health, nutrition, sleep, and mindset.

She took physical stats, set realistic exercise outcomes, and created nutritional macro targets individualised to each participant. She offered regular progress check-ins to keep everyone accountable and help them reach their goals, be it to gain muscle or lose weight.

I felt so welcomed by Sarah and other MHQ staff, I decided to join MHQ in quick succession and have never looked back. I took Pilates and Movement Strength to ease me back into an exercise routine, and I loved the BCP so much I completed the program twice!

3. What do you think has been your best achievement since starting MHQ?

Not giving up. Shortly after I joined MHQ, I developed bursitis and tennis elbow in my left arm and I thought my training would have to stop as many of the exercises exasperated the pain and discomfort; I feared my health journey would be stalled indefinitely.

Thankfully MHQ classes are kept small and the trainers knew of my condition. They generously provided me with modifications each class to ease the stress on my arm so I didn’t have to stop training.

During the 10 months it took for my arm to heal, I was so grateful to Tori, Renato, and Perry for being so patient, encouraging, and supportive.

I’ve definitely gotten stronger and now I can do an unassisted chin-up! This may not seem like much but considering I started out using the thickest band 16 months ago with a compromised arm, this is a pretty big win. I’ve also done several PT sessions with Tori which has been pivotal in the progress I’ve made.

It took years to get out of shape but thankfully when following a sensible and realistic nutrition plan and training routine, the human body responds favourably. I continue to work with Sarah for my nutrition and weight loss goals and she’s been my rock. With her guidance and support, I’ve worked very hard to shift unwanted weight without sacrificing muscle and I’m only a few kilos shy from achieving my goals.

But with all that said,  I’d say the most satisfying achievements are the ones you cannot see. My stress levels are down, my blood pressure is great, my joints no longer hurt, my sleep has improved, my mindset is positive, and since I do all the food shopping and cooking, my entire family is healthier, too.

Thanks Coach Sarah, Coach Tori, and MHQ! 💪🏼”