As the old saying goes, “You are what you eat”.
Eating well does not have to be complicated, but it does require some smart thinking.
MHQ Coach Sarah Bartlett shares here her top 5 tips from her Nutrition Guidelines for Health & Wellness. that she provides to her Body Composition Program clients.
1. Eat regularly throughout the day
Whilst most of us are familiar with traditional “3 meals a day” or “Intermittent Fasting” style eating, there are many benefits of eating more regularly during the day which include:
- Sustained energy for the entire day
- Better hunger control, making you less likely to snack or binge
- Easier to meet your daily calorie requirement
- Improved blood sugar stability
- Improved metabolic function, energy and management
- More opportunity for variety to ensure your Recommended Dietary Intake needs (RDIs) and tastes are met.

2. Hydrate as required
Our bodies are composed of 65-75% water, much of which requires daily replenishment.
Many Australians don’t meet daily water consumption requirements, and we need enough water to:
- Ensure adequate hydration
- Control thirst and hunger
- Increase the body’s ability to metabolise fats and aid digestion
- Increase energy, feelings of wellbeing and brain function
- Help reduce joint and back pain, and risk of colon and breast cancers.

3. Consume the right balance of protein, fats and carbs
Every meal should contain protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats in a balanced ratio that is right for your body type and body composition goals.
Protein should come from from a mix of both animal and plant based sources, and can lead to a higher metabolic rate, improved muscle development and reduced cardiovascular risk.
Carbohydrates are the preferred energy source for the body and should be mostly from vegetables, fruits and select whole-grains to ensure a long-lasting supply of sugar in the blood.
Fats from healthy sources include oily fish, healthy oils, avocados, nuts and seeds.

4. Consume SLOW Food
Opt for foods that are in SEASON, from LOCAL sources, are ORGANIC and non-GMO based WHOLE FOODS.
Eating in Season – we evolved with the planet and its seasons and there’s a reason certain fruits are available in Winter and others in Summer, such as high Vitamin C citrus fruits in Winter to help with immunity.
Eating food that’s in season is also cheaper to purchase and likely has travelled less distance so is fresher.
Eating local produce is similar in concept to eating seasonally, in that it’s better for your health, the planet, and your wallet. This also has the added benefit of supporting local businesses.
Organic foods are produced without the use of herbicides, pesticides or GMOs and under strict sustainable farming procedures and guidelines. Long-term exposure to chemicals may have devastating impacts upon gut health, metabolic function, nutrient absorption, hormone levels, and more. If you are consuming the skin that may have had chemical exposure think about going organic.
Wholefoods can generally be those coming from a farm (eg fresh fruit and vegetables) and are minimally processed.

5. Follow the 80/20 rule
If you are committed to achieving optimum health and your desired body composition results, you need to follow the above guidelines at least 80% of the time.
If you follow the rules 90% of the time you’ll get great results, and 100% of the time you’ll get outstanding results.
If you are just 70% committed you’ll slow down your progress.

These are general quidelines and every body is different – one size does not fit all.
In the MHQ Body Composition Program Coach Sarah Bartlett will work with you on specific food types, quantities, eating patterns and exercise training programs that will work best for YOUR BODY.