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MHQ Kitchen: Sarah’s Morning Margarita

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

According to MHQ Body Composition Coach Sarah Barty, having a consistent morning routine is super important:

“It sets you up for a productive and positive start to the day.

“Win the morning, win the day” as the saying goes.

For me, the Morning Margarita is a non-negotiable. Even when I travel, I make this drink every day, and have it first thing upon waking.

This gentle tummy tonic helps to cleanse your digestive system of any nasty bacteria that may have accumulated overnight (which helps to get rid of that “morning breath” feeling) and helps to prepre your digestive system for…digestion!

The ACV helps to stimulate your liver and remove/ prevent stagnation in your digestive system. It also contains antioxidants and B vitamins!

Lemon juice has long been used in weight loss and detoxification protocols, for its ability to aid in digestion.

The salt adds all-important minerals to the concoction.

To make:

Half-fill a glass with boiling filtered water

Add 5-10 twists on the salt grinder of Himalayan/Celtic Salt

Add 1/2 a lemon juiced with 15ml of apple cider vinegar

Stir to dissolve the salt, and top with cold filtered water

Drink immediately.


Love your guts!”

🦁 Coach Sarah Barty