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personal trainer

MOVEMENT strength coach

Kettlebells, Strength, Body Weight Strength, Mobility, Conditioning

Elissa is passionate about helping people discover joy in movement and supporting them in building a long-term, holistic approach to fitness. She excels at meeting clients wherever they are in their journey, whether they’re just starting out or striving for advanced fitness goals.

Elissa has a talent for guiding clients through a journey of small, meaningful, and sustainable changes that create lasting results. As a mum herself, she understands the unique challenges parents face when trying to prioritize their workouts. She’s dedicated to creating effective training programs that make the most of your time, focusing on technique, injury prevention, and progress towards your goals.

Her approach to health and fitness is built on the belief that it’s a lifelong journey of learning and refinement. Elissa is constantly reading new studies, exploring innovative coaching methods, and honing her techniques to ensure she delivers the best possible experience for her clients. Her commitment to staying teachable and evolving as a coach is what makes her an invaluable part of our team at Movement HQ.