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personal trainer

MOVEMENT strength coach

Body Weight Strength, Mobility, Handstands, Stretch

At the age of six, Amberley’s ballet teacher recommended to her parents that they enrol her into gymnastics as she wouldn’t stop doing cartwheels in the middle of class! She was placed into a competitive program where she trained up to 25 hours a week and proudly represented NSW multiple times at a National Level. In 2016 Amberley was presented with the Manly Warringah gymnastic clubs spirit award for demonstrating immense bravery and resilience after a nasty broken arm which resulted in three surgeries and a whole year off doing what she loved. She spent this year rebuilding her strength which meant a lot of time on the dreaded bike and any other training she could do with one arm! Through hours of rehab and physio every week, Amberley was introduced to a whole new form of training which she has continued to do after finishing up her gymnastics. She now coaches a junior development team and loves still being involved in the sport as well as constantly expanding her knowledge on all the different varieties of movement. Amberley is currently studying Paramedicine and Nursing at UTAS and ultimately wants to be a helicopter paramedic, so working with people and their health is something she is super passionate about!