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personal training

achieve more with personal coaching

take your training to the next level

Talk to us about levelling up your gym experience with the ultimate secret weapon: a Personal Trainer.

Whether you’re starting out at the gym, have reached a training plateau, have a specific goal or need some help moving through injury, our Personal Trainers will guide you, support you, and keep you motivated and accountable.

Our experienced, well-qualified coaches run private sessions and can give you a tailored plan of attack so the training you do at the gym is geared towards your goals, abilities and preferred training style.

Our Personal Trainers don’t just count reps, they’re accountable for ensuring your every move is made with precision and care.

From injury prevention to form correction, Personal Training will offer you assistance with correct exercise technique, ideal exercises and a progression plan with your body in mind.

They'll give you that helping hand and guide you every step of the way, turning setbacks into comebacks, and helping you to achieve new milestones.

Investing in a Personal Trainer is worth the extra money because it’s an investment in your health, fitness, and overall well-being.

At Movement HQ you get flexibility with the way you choose to do Personal Training - either as a one-off or regular arrangement, a choice of 30, 45 and 60 minute sessions, and you can also train with an additional two people to make it even more fun and cost-effective.

spring personal training offer*

sign up for a 10-pack of 30 min pt sessions - get 20% off your membership for 10 weeks

if you wish to continue, choose 30,45 or 60 min sessions, or up to 3 people to make it more cost-effective

choose how often you want to train - no fixed pt contracts

* available to new and existing MHQ members. payments over 10 weeks, or 5 fortnightly payments. PT sessions cost $74.25 each.