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Movers story: Pete and Louise

From Mark Glanville: 

Pete and Louise! Our first couple Movers of the Month! Some people just stare at Pete while they wonder what the hell the Jordie (Newcastle UK born) bugger said and ask for a translation and Louise is just a smiling assassin. 

These guys haven’t been here all that long but in the time they have they have shown to commit to a great variety of classes which is exactly what we like to see!

Congratulations team keep up the good work and keep working on speaking a little more clearly please Pete it makes life a lot easier for the coaches and members alike 😂

From Pete:

1. What is your favourite class?

Movement Strength. But I do also like every other class.

2. What made you choose MHQ and how do you think this has impacted your life?

The people. High quality coaching, friendly staff and friendly punters 👍 Huge impact, I want to improve myself. There are so many inspirational trainers and trainees.

3. What do you think has been your best achievement since starting MHQ?

Turning up 5 days a week and it not being a big deal.