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Mover story: Heather, the epitome of MHQ

From Mark Glanville: 

“You’ll always know when Heather is in the house, you’ll hear her or she’ll just come up and tell you.

Super engaging, fun, supportive and full of life Heather you are the epitome of MHQ! After having a hissy fit and yelling at both Sarah and I for gently forcing you into testing you grabbed the bull by the horns and gave it everything you had and came out smiling after absolutely bloody loving it!

Thanks for the energy you bring everyday and you deserve every bit of this recognition. May the force continue to be with you my friend.”

From Heather:

1. What is your favourite class?

“My favourite class is Tori’s conditioning. You never know what you are in for and she has this amazing natural killer instincts to make you do better!”

2. What made you choose MHQ and how do you think this has impacted your life?

“My ex F45 buddies Air & Amy hassled Shelly and myself to come and do a trial. Shelly and I started the trial and we were both hooked on the very first class. Love the care factor from all the instructors, love all the classes and I believe I have become physically stronger.”

3. What do you think has been your best achievement since starting MHQ?

“My best achievement so far at MHQ would be coming 7 days per week (when I am not away on weekends) and doing double classes.