5 mins with MHQ Co-Founder Mark, Business Person the Year

Learn more about Movement HQ Co-Founder Mark GlanvilleWINNER of the Northern Beaches Business Person of the Year award 2023.

Mark’s background

After a successful hospitality career that saw Mark work in some of London’s finest kitchens, he followed his true passion in 2001 when he started his professional fitness journey.

Since then Mark has delivered countless personalised and group fitness programs to clients across Sydney and London, and followed his dream by starting up Movement HQ in 2020.

Over the past 21 years Mark has seen it all, working with clients, coaches and fitness facilitators of all ages, disciplines and physical capabilities.

He’s seen numerous fitness fads appear and disappear, gyms open and shut, and trainers come and go. He’s worked with chief executives, start-up founders, professionals and students – putting in the hard-yard, starting a typical work day at 5am and finishing well into the evening.

He’s balanced training his own clients and himself whilst running his business, nurturing his young family, managing his staff, and developing effective class programs that meet his clients’ goals.

Vision for the business

Since the very beginning when Mark kicked off his fitness career, he’s remained true to his core purpose – to build a welcoming community offering safe, effective and motivating exercise programs to help clients achieve their very best, moving their bodies and minds in ways they never thought possible, and returning to full function after injury.

“I’ve seen a lot of gyms out there that just put their clients through the motions – and some are large, soul-less with cookie-cutter style exercise routines. I’ve tried to foster a community that feels more like family.

Our programs are designed to ensure the body is moving to the best of its ability in its most natural form, allowing us to be nimble, flexible and free. And to have fun whilst challenging the body and mind.

Our business culture sees our coaches actively training and empowering our members to connect with their bodies and be more proactive about their health. The stronger and more involved our members become, the more confidence in their abilities grows – not only at the gym but also extending into their personal and professional lives.

We’re here to add years to our members’ life – and life to their years.

In doing all of that the strength of our organisation is grounded in the strength of our connections. Connection with our members, our network and with each other. This has fostered a strong community which will continue to flourish for the rest of our lives.”

The main mantra that Mark lives by is:

“Everyone is welcome, no-one will be left behind”.

Biggest lessons learnt 

“Be supportive to your clients needs. Be creative – and be the trainer your clients need you to be, not the one you think looks good to the masses, or to people who don’t understand said clients needs.

Be a coach AND a leader to every peer. It’s so rewarding to share my skills and experiences with other trainers and watch them grow both professionally and personally.”

Biggest business challenge

“Opening a business right in the middle of a pandemic and trying to grow something in the midst of lockdowns and uncertain times.

‘We’ were able to overcome that with amazingly hard team work and my team believing in my idea and putting their heart and soul into everything they/we do – along with the support from our fantastic members.”

What members can expect going forwards

“We just simply aim to be better everyday, offering constantly evolving programs and an understanding of what our members and the community want and need from us.

Ideally I would love to be able to open more facilities throughout Sydney in the coming years.”

And the award …

“I was actually completely stunned when I was announced the WINNER, I guess I didn’t value myself and what I have built enough, so it’s incredibly rewarding to have been given this award and it will certainly be a moment I will never forget.

I am so grateful to my wife for supporting me and my amazing staff and members! Without all of them Movement HQ (my dream) wouldn’t be possible.”

If you train at MHQ you will know and love Daphne who sums it up well by saying:

“Mark Glanville is one great human, a top bloke who has trained me since 2009. 

I am so delighted he won the Local Business Award Northern Beaches for Business Person of the year.

His boutique gym offers the most qualified, experienced and nurturing of trainers. From strength training, Pilates and yoga to mobility and lots of fun and games, learning calisthenics on the blue mat. There are so many great classes to pick from, that I struggle to pick just one in a day. 

You’d be surprised at what we can all achieve in the right environment. Movement HQ is my happy place.”



New to MHQ? Reach out and have a chat with Mark about how you can make your body and mind your priority – safely and effectively – and become part of an awesome new community whilst doing it.

Talk to us

Getting with our programs 

We hope you’ve been enjoying our newly programmed classes and are starting to make some great progress with your training!

Here’s the logic behind our programs – and how our classes are designed to help you succeed – whilst you reach your goals safely, efficiently and effectively.

We promise you, those white cards and clipboards we’re using across the gym floor are there for great purpose.


Here’s the plan
  • We now run pre-formatted programs for all our Movement Strength, Bodyweight, Conditioning, Handstand, Rings & Stallbars and Functional Mobility classes
  • Programs run in 8 week intervals – with an A and B stream each week
  • Classes cover all 3 planes of motion:
    • side-to-side (frontal)
    • forward and backward (saggital)
    • rotation (transverse)
  • Exercise selection ensures that all fundamental movement patterns are covered optimally:
    • push and pull
    • squats, lunges, hinges
    • rotation
    • gait
  • You’ll be alternating between muscle groups and training styles to help you perform at your best
  • Programs are designed by Mark, Tori, Sarah and Danny after great discussion, consideration (and debate) – and then shared across the entire coaching team – with all our MHQ Movers in mind
  • Our teacher to member ratios remain small and our coaches are always watching and working with you to ensure the exercises you do are just right for you. We’ll also recommend other classes if we think you’ll benefit from them.
And there’s a Plan B

Our classes are designed like Personal Training sessions – so we offer regressions, progressions and modifications to help keep you injury free, to have you training safely if you’re injured or having an off day, and to help you progress in the gym.

If you’re advanced in your movements you’ll jump straight to the more complex, advanced options and intensities.

If you’re just starting out, our programs allow you to stay with a movement long enough to benefit from repeated exposure to get optimal results. You’ll also gain the ability to practice for the next progressions.

Covering all bases 

All our classes begin with effective dynamic warm-ups to prepare you for the exercises you’ll do later with load and greater intensity.

Then – with every single class:

  • Exercise selection and flow will be systematic and effective throughout every class
  • Any clashes in skills across classes will be prevented through thorough planning across the board, and repetition of movements minimised
  • You’ll be assured of a consistently high standard of coaching
  • You’ll get an idea of what each pinnacle exercise is and how to work towards achieving it
  • You’ll be accountable (both members AND coaches) as you document progressions and regressions. Let’s face it we all love a great report card
  • Your motivation levels will be kept high (we hope) to keep you moving onwards and upwards
  • Programs are designed to help you reach optimum strength, fitness and mobility – safely and effectively
  • You’ll identify areas of weakness and strength, fine tune them, and help reduce injury risk
  • Your body awareness will improve as you do our carefully selected exercises repeatedly and focus on the muscles you are working. You’ll build stability in your joints and core. You’ll just continue to improve and master our carefully and thoughtfully selected exercises building a more athletic “you”
  • You’ll ramp up your metabolic function and cognition through the need to absorb cues, co-ordinate movements and perfect movement timing.

The full package

Whatever your goals are, our overall approach to your training covers all essential elements.

Our aim is to make your exercise experience super rewarding and to help your body respond well to daily physical demands whilst staying injury free – over the long term.

Of course, we want to hear more from you.

Please let us know how your find our new programs and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions we want to hear them!


Sign in for your next class here


Training and safety guidelines

During these uncertain and unusual times, we are pleased to remain fully operational, and are offering all our services so you stay in the best of fitness and health. In doing that we are fully committed to keeping you and our staff COVID-19 safe.

🛑  We ask that anyone with a positive Covid-19 diagnosis (by RAT or PCR) – or if you are considered a close contact –  or are awaiting results – please do not come to the gym. When in doubt please follow the guidelines set out by NSW Health.

And to ensure your convenience, safety and comfort please:

✔️ Bring a towel to all classes and use the sanitiser wipes to wipe down equipment after you’ve used it

✔️ Yogis bring your own mat to class – and in Reformer classes please wear grip socks

✔️ If you booked in for a class and can’t make it, please early cancel in the app no less than 2 hours before class starts. This enables other people to book in if the class is full.  Please be aware in the event of a no show or late cancellation a fee of $15 may be charged.

Thanks for your co-operation and we wish you happy and safe training at Movement HQ 🙂