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8 workout considerations over age 40

As we get older, it’s no surprise that prioritising our health and well-being becomes increasingly important.

One of the most effective ways to maintain and improve our health is with regular exercise. Whilst many associate exercise with looking younger or weight loss, its significance goes way beyond that. 

From age 40 we start to lose muscle mass, bone density and joint flexibility. This can lead to injury and chronic pain conditions if we don’t move correctly.

Engaging in safe, regular physical activity can improve our biomechanics, cognitive function, quality of life and prevent the onset of disease and injury.

This period leading up to our 50s and 60s is potentially the most powerful for making positive change – and with the right mindset and support we are capable of moving better than ever before.

Here are 8 workout considerations to help achieve that.

1. Train to achieve your goals

Have a think about how YOU want to feel, look and perform.

These goals should look towards your desired lifestyle in the future (such as going for long walks, doing extended periods of gardening, or playing with kids without pain or putting your back or neck out).

If your goal is to do that cycle tour around Europe or run a half-marathon – fantastic! You just need to train to achieve those goals safely and realistically, and with your longevity in mind.

And if you have injuries or physical limitations, often the worst thing you can do is stop exercising. Get professional guidance on a workout program that’s safe and effective for you.

2. Prioritise warm-ups and cool-downs

Whilst the urge may be to get your workouts over and done with quickly, as we get older it becomes more important to warm up and cool down sufficiently before and after exercise.

A thorough warm-up helps increase blood flow to the tissues and lubricate the joints to prepare them for the upcoming physical activity. It also reduces the risk of muscle strains and joint injuries.

Cooling down after exercise allows the body to gradually return to its resting state, preventing dizziness and muscle soreness.

3. Incorporate strength training

Loss of muscle mass (including sarcopenia) is a common age-related issue. To combat this, everybody over age 40 should include strength training in their fitness routine.

Strength training not only helps build muscle and increase bone density but also improves overall functional fitness, making everyday tasks easier. 

It’s important to start with lighter weights and focus on good form, then gradually progress to heavier loads that challenge and empower you, whilst allowing you to feel in control to avoid injury.

4. Focus on flexibility and mobility

Flexibility and mobility naturally decline with age, making stretching exercises crucial. 

Regular stretching and mobility exercises help improve joint range of motion, enhance posture and balance, and can help reduce the risk of falls.

Stretching the body also always feels amazing because it releases tension, promotes relaxation and triggers those feel-good endorphins.

5. Balance training

Maintaining balance is essential in preventing falls which could prevent injuries. 

Balance exercises help strengthen our deeper and smaller core muscles and build better synergy between muscle groups, resulting in improved stability and coordination. 

Simple activities like standing on one leg, lunging, and other uni-lateral exercises should be incorporated into your routine to improve balance and stability, and also reduce imbalances between left and right side of the body.

6. Diversify your training styles

Don’t focus on just one style of training because you’ve done it forever. Or because you’re too scared or couldn’t be bothered to try something new.

For example if you do a lot of strength training but zero cardio and mobility training you’re limiting your body from being in its optimal state. 

And why not try something new, like animal flow, handstands or gaining upper body strength and stability using Olympic Rings?

You’ll surprise yourself by doing things you believed you were incapable of, build incredible full body strength and fitness, and get a huge adrenalin rush from doing it.

7. Listen to your body

It’s always vital to listen to your body and respect its limitations.

Check in with yourself to see if the exercise or program you’re doing is safe for you right now and if it will help you 10 years from now. And ask your coaches for exercise variations to keep you training safely through injury or when something doesn’t feel right.

We also need guidance on the best ways to train through muscle imbalances and weaknesses in the body.

Doing workouts that are low-impact and less stressful on the joints can help prevent joint pain and reduce the risk of developing conditions like arthritis.

8. Have a set training approach and be CONSISTENT

You’ll see many people in the gym training randomly with no consistency or structure.

If your current program isn’t making you stronger, fitter, happier and healthier whilst being PAIN FREE then it’s time to get guidance and make changes.

At Movement HQ we see how consistency pays off. Doing structured exercise that sees you progress whilst staying injury free will keep you consistent.

Not to mention, training with a community of like-minded people, experienced coaches and being accountable will keep you motivated in the longer term.

There’s nothing better than having your head coach and gym support crew cheering you on every pull up and step of the way.



Our Co-Founder Mark Glanville has been training clients for over 22 years. He and his team have a world of experience training clients from ages 6 to 80+.

Complete the form below for your 45 minute Movement Assessment with Mark or other coaches who can recommend the right classes to help you achieve all 8 workout considerations over 40.

Or click here to get started with 14 days of classes for $49.

We offer a full range of small group classes with an amazingly supportive community to give you all you need for a stronger, fitter and healthier mind and body.



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