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8 reasons to do Reformer Pilates 

Reformer Pilates is hugely popular for so many reasons. 

It dates back to the early 1900s when Joseph Pilates created the Reformer bed to help soldiers recover from their injuries. 

Since then, Reformer Pilates has become widely accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels to help improve full body strength, mobility and sense of well-being.


What is Reformer Pilates?

Pilates exercises require you to perform slow, controlled movements that flow from one to the next with precision – through full ranges of motion.

In this way you work the entire body as you control your core muscles (in your abdominals, hips, glutes, back, inner thighs), whilst using muscular strength to move your arms and legs.

Mat Pilates uses mainly bodyweight with some props for resistance – and Reformer beds offer further resistance with straps attached to different spring weights, and the moving carriage adding the extra challenge of instability.

Using your breath as you perform the exercises, you bring your awareness into the muscles that are working, and how your joints are aligned and moving. This is particularly beneficial for people with lower back pain or wanting to improve their core strength.

8 benefits of Reformer Pilates 

Step into the MHQ Reformer Pilates studio with coach Suellen Dennehy who’ll share the magic that Reformer Pilates offers:

Whilst improving your flexibility, strength, mobility and balance, Reformer Pilates:

  • Works the entire body using the straps for exercises such as bicep curls, chest presses and donkey kicks. When you add in the instability of the moving carriage you strengthen your core at the same time
  • Is gentle on the joints as you move through fundamental movements such as squats and hamstring stretches whilst lying down, without weight-bearing stress on the knees
  • Is suitable for all levels thanks to the range of spring tensions and allowance for both closed chain and open chain exercises
  • Works muscles you don’t usually use but need to strengthen – as humans we tend to live in a single plane of motion using the same muscles every day. On the Reformer you balance this out whilst moving through all planes of motion
  • Trains the muscles in a variety of ways – by way of muscular contractions, eccentric movements (when you slow down on the return phase of the exercise to increase the time under tension), and isometric holds (such as plank holds) whilst you do the exercises lying down, kneeling and standing
  • Trains your joints to move through all ranges of motion – such as the hip flexors as the carriage helps you glide your leg back as far as possible, giving you a dynamic stretch at the same time as you strengthen
  • Brings awareness into your body as you focus on your breathing, core strength and postural alignment.

A final 60 seconds with Suellen 

Three favourite Reformer Pilates exercises:

1. Bridging – it’s great for spine and hip extensor strength (back of leg) and hip flexor (front of leg) length segmental mobility. It works the posterior chain (back line of body)

2. Feet In straps – this is everyone’s favourite, it improves hip mobility and trunk stability (core work). It’s great for hamstring, hip flexor and adductor flexibility and FEELS WONDERFUL!

3. Mermaid – as it improves spine mobility in lateral flexion (side bending). We don’t do enough of this. It’s also great for posture and thoracic mobility.Why she’s been teaching for 20 years 

“I have a short attention span and Pilates is never boring or repetitive. It helps in the prevention of injuries and works your body in all planes of motion.

Anyone can do Pilates from young to old, rehab to elite athlete, it caters for all bodies.

But most of all … IT’S FUN!What tip can we take out from the Reformer studio to our daily lives 

“Be aware of your posture sitting and standing. When standing balance your weight on both feet evenly, stand tall with shoulders relaxed.”

“Your posture says a lot about your mood….. stand tall, proud and positive”


Movement HQ Reformer classes run 11 times per week, Monday to Sunday with our awesome coaches Suellen, Perry and Skye.

Check out our timetable here.


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