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MHQ Parters 3

Some of the most common questions I get asked in regards to nutrition are often around supplementation, ie “Should I be taking a protein supplement?” and nutrient timing “Is it better to have no carbs after 5pm?”.

For most people, I refer them to this concept, The Nutrition Pyramid.

This is a useful visual tool for understanding where to focus your attention with your nutrition strategy for building a peak physique, and equally as importantly, what not to get too caught up on!

MHQ Parters 2

Some of the most common questions I get asked in regards to nutrition are often around supplementation, ie “Should I be taking a protein supplement?” and nutrient timing “Is it better to have no carbs after 5pm?”.

For most people, I refer them to this concept, The Nutrition Pyramid.

This is a useful visual tool for understanding where to focus your attention with your nutrition strategy for building a peak physique, and equally as importantly, what not to get too caught up on!

MHQ Parters 1

Some of the most common questions I get asked in regards to nutrition are often around supplementation, ie “Should I be taking a protein supplement?” and nutrient timing “Is it better to have no carbs after 5pm?”.

For most people, I refer them to this concept, The Nutrition Pyramid.

This is a useful visual tool for understanding where to focus your attention with your nutrition strategy for building a peak physique, and equally as importantly, what not to get too caught up on!