Member story – 5 reasons to see a Personal Trainer
Have you ever experienced Personal Training? Or not sure what it could possibly do for you, or how you would benefit from it?
What makes it different to Group Training?
Here’s a few wise words from one of our movers Abbey Moore, who has done Personal Training with Movement HQ co-founder Mark Glanville for almost 9 years …
“Currently I see Mark once a week, and I also do 3 to 4 Movement HQ classes per week, across Kettlebells, Bodyweight Strength (blue floor), Reformer Pilates and Movement Strength.
When I do Personal Training with Mark we mainly focus on conditioning (but we don’t call it that or I won’t do it! HAHAHA).
Immediately when we started all those years ago, he worked out what made me “tick”- how he could get the best out of me at every session.
He identified that I trained in one movement plane – lifting weights generally up and down. Even from those early days he had me doing movements that challenged my range of motion, stability and MY MIND.
Why do I CHOOSE to do Personal Training with Mark, in addition to doing classes? Because it certainly is a choice to have someone challenge you every time you see them …
He takes me to the next level
As soon as something gets too comfortable, he will “up the anti” – adding weight, time under tension, throw in a BOSU – anything to progress and to challenge not just my body but to my neurological pathways.
It didn’t take him very long to work out what I enjoy doing and hence found “easy”. He’d then mix those movements in with things I loath (chin-ups anyone?).
Over the years I have come to realise that it is more important to train the things you don’t enjoy or aren’t “good at” until you enjoy them… very much a Mark mentality!
He knows what I’m capable of
There is nothing I love to hear more from him than “YES!” Or “Perfect” or even “you beast!”.
Because I know he has prescribed these movements based on MY ability and what MY body can do and has only suggested them because he knows I can do them – it’s me who doubts myself.
I can do more things with my body
The things I can do! WOW! I thought I was training well BEFORE, but now.
Even though I may be cursing the movement (never him!) while doing it, I am so proud of the things my body can do! Which I truly believe is only because of my sessions with Mark.
When I started I had a badly injured calf muscle – I couldn’t run or jump (SHAME haha). Mark worked around it whilst also focussing on rehab and repair. We now have no calf pain. Currently I have a “cranky” ankle, which again we are working with – through instability exercises to strengthen it in all ranges of movement.
My training is comprehensive and complete
Some words I hear often when we train – range of motion, rotation, extension, awareness, stability – these really exemplify his style of PT. Functionality and entirety. Being aware of where your body is in space.
I have always enjoyed moving, and as I have gotten older have identified that it really does help my state of mind too.And walking away from a tough, challenging session with Mark certainly helps me function throughout a day and a week.
On the flip side, when I have tired days, he can pick up on that and we do slower paced, mobility work.
I can honestly say I am fitter now, more functional across all planes and genuinely excited for what Mark has in store for me each week.
Personal Training allows you to see what you are truly capable of, to try new movements and to challenge yourself.
And the 5th reason …
Mark has the most childish sense of humour, which has finally come into its element now he is allowed to say “dad jokes” … I think he takes this role very seriously!
His interaction with all members and clients, young and old, is a testament to his caring nature and desire to make people happy.
He is always open to hearing about my children and offering pearls of wisdom, because we were all “ratbags” once! And I know he genuinely does care.
Seeing him with his daughter Stevie Rose and the twinkle he gets when talking about her, and his wife Amy, speaks to the sensitive, gentle (albeit pushy) giant he is.