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Six tips to weight loss success

Ask any personal trainer or group fitness coach what their clients’ most common goals are – and weight loss will generally be one of the major objectives.

The underlying reasons to lose weight are as varied as the people you’ll see at the gym.

They either need to reduce visceral fat surrounding vital organs, minimise the risk of heart disease and diabetes, improve their overall health, move better, feel more energetic, improve their confidence, or fit into that new (or old) pair of jeans.

Successful weight loss is clearly the result of following a controlled and well designed nutrition and exercise plan.

But what underpins that success is having the right mindset.

After running the popular Movement HQ Weight Loss Challenge, personal trainer Leo Nannetti shares his tips on setting the right mindset to lose weight successfully – and for keeping that weight off over the longer term.

1. Work out what lifestyle habits are holding you back and think about possible solutions

2. Make a mental shift from “I have to lose weight” to “I am in the process of losing weight and transforming my life

3. Create a vision – what’s your Why? Why do you need to lose weight? How will your weight loss enhance your life? Will it help with career progression? Or help you find your soulmate? Or give you more energy for your kids or your relationships? Or more belief in yourself to achieve other things?

4. Work on it daily. Wake up every morning looking forward to another opportunity to work towards your vision. Don’t let a day go by where you don’t take another step closer to that vision, even if it’s as simple as a 30 minute walk or making some changes to your diet

5. Design your environment for success. If you have junk food at home, get rid of it and replace it with fruits, protein bars and healthier alternatives. If you’re prone to late afternoon snacking on sugary foods, have an alternative ready to make the change easier

6. Enjoy the process, and celebrate the wins. When you hit milestones reward yourself with something that contributes to your success. Don’t reward yourself with a “cheat meal”, reward yourself with the best fresh whole food meal money can buy. Treat yourself like you care about yourself.

The journey to successful long term weight loss is more straight forward for some people than for others.

The Movement HQ Weight Loss Challenge has been set up to provide the information, support and motivation you need to stay on track and get results:

🔹 Body composition scans to TRACK PROGRESS & set your TRAINING PLAN
🔹 Sample meal plan to get INGREDIENTS and PORTIONS RIGHT
🔹 Personalised CALORIE & PROTEIN TARGETS for training and recovery
🔹 Facebook SUPPORT GROUP to motivate you
🔹 WEEKLY TARGETS to make you accountable
🔹 Weekly live Q&A.

You also get access to Leo our Weight Loss Specialist who’ll be there to guide and inspire you – and help you keep the right mindset – all the way.

More about the Movement HQ Weight Loss Challenge here