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5 minutes with Leo

You can’t miss him. That strong booming voice, great words of weight loss wisdom and The Clap.

We asked MHQ Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Coach and Weight Loss Leader Leo Nannetti to tell us more about his life as a fitness professional and why he does it.

How long have you been a fitness professional for?

I started working in the fitness industry in 2008. I’ve taken breaks here and there over the years to pursue other interests such as snowboard coaching in Canada and NZ, as well as spending time living abroad in Europe.

For the past 7 years I’ve been in the fitness industry full time.

Why did you decide to become a PT?

I started in the fitness industry straight after year 12. I was a little clueless as a school leaver and decided to work in the fitness industry as it was aligned with my passion for sport and working out.

I fell in love with the coaching process after my first client success.

When did you start training yourself?

I started training at the age of 15 at a rock-climbing gym in St Leonards where I was working at the time.

Like many young men, the weights room was an antidote to the excess energy and my own desire to lift heavy stuff. I’ve competed numerous times in strong man and powerlifting.

I won’t post my numbers as they are rather unimpressive, but I did pull a 17-tonne truck 23m once LOL.

What are your clients’ most common goals?

Most people see me 1-1 for technique coaching on the main lifts, I specialise in the big 4 barbell lifts.

I could discuss/coach the deadlift for 6 hours without a break, some say it’s a gift, I say it’s a curse.

I also run the successful MHQ 8-week Weight Loss Challenge with members of Movement HQ and others in my tailored 1:1 online weight loss program.

I really love this and the feedback from successful clients is the most rewarding thing I have ever experienced.

What training misconceptions do you come across? 

You definitely don’t have to train 100%, in fact I would strongly recommend you don’t.

80% effort is the most you’ll want to give despite what I or anyone says to you. Always leave the gym with enough energy for tomorrow.

What challenges do find you need to work clients through?

I predominantly work with people who have been either poorly coached or not coached at all on weight training, barbells, and kettlebells as well as basic bodyweight exercises such as planks and push ups.

I also help with breathing techniques through coaching and specialise in a diaphragmatic release technique that has seen one of our members cured of shoulder pain after over 6 months of unsuccessful physiotherapy.

Another client from the gym has finally had her knee pain vanish after simply learning to balance effectively in the single leg stance.

What top 3 things do you specialise in? 
  1. Weight loss
  2. Lifting technique
  3. Kettlebell training
Are you a strength, cardio or mobility person?

I like kettlebells, barbells, and basic bodybuilding, occasionally I will run to the bathroom.

What movement limitations do you notice in clients during sessions? 

People will fall into one of two categories which are actually two separate ends of the same spectrum. Either too stiff or not stable enough, but both are weak.

What is it about this job that makes you want to jump out of bed at 4:30am?

Firstly it’s 4am, and it’s more like a slow controlled exit as to not wake up my other half.

But at the end of the day, it’s the people I get to work with.

It’s the sense of meaning that my work brings to my life, my ability to serve others and give them the independence and sustainability they need to look after their body, mind and life.

I consider it an honour to help.

Check out the awesome feedback Leo received from the April 2022 MHQ Weight Loss Challenge.


Reach out or book your next session with Leo

Get in touch with Leo here, or jump into one of his great classes on the timetable.